
Showing posts from September 11, 2016

vocab list #3

coherent: logical and consistent belabor: argue or elaborate in excessive detail eschew: avoid , abstain from acquisitive: excessively interested in material things and money. emulate: match or surpass banal: to repeat or to be obvious  excoriation: harsh criticism congeal: solidify or cogulate carping : difficult to please substantiate: provide evidence to prove the truth of temporize: avoid making a decision largesse: generosity in bestowing tenable: able to be defended against insatiable: impossible to satisfy reconnaissance: the act scouting. germane: relevant or appropriate ramify: form branches or offshoots intransigent: unwilling or refusing to change ones views taciturn: reserved or uncommunicative

The Right To Your Opinion

I believe both ways have a lot to offer however I think if we use the new way to work with in our class will bring a lot of good effects but also bad since we deal with social media we might as well use this new way too fool anyone into believing we work on homework but in reality were just checking twitter or something. but I still believe this new way of classwork helps a lot.

my aeries

I was actually surprised when I received my essay back seeing that B- felt pretty good considering I felt nothing but doubt when turning the essay in. I think I lacked on providing more of what I actually understand from diction, syntax, theme, or tone. I felt like I could've preformed a better job if it wasn't for my distractions and tiredness. But I hope to achieve a better job on the next assignment considering I actually have high expectations of myself. So there it is.