vocab list #3
coherent: logical and consistent
belabor: argue or elaborate in excessive detail
eschew: avoid , abstain from
acquisitive: excessively interested in material things and money.
emulate: match or surpass
banal: to repeat or to be obvious
excoriation: harsh criticism
congeal: solidify or cogulate
carping : difficult to please
substantiate: provide evidence to prove the truth of
temporize: avoid making a decision
largesse: generosity in bestowing
tenable: able to be defended against
insatiable: impossible to satisfy
reconnaissance: the act scouting.
germane: relevant or appropriate
ramify: form branches or offshoots
intransigent: unwilling or refusing to change ones views
taciturn: reserved or uncommunicative
belabor: argue or elaborate in excessive detail
eschew: avoid , abstain from
acquisitive: excessively interested in material things and money.
emulate: match or surpass
banal: to repeat or to be obvious
excoriation: harsh criticism
congeal: solidify or cogulate
carping : difficult to please
substantiate: provide evidence to prove the truth of
temporize: avoid making a decision
largesse: generosity in bestowing
tenable: able to be defended against
insatiable: impossible to satisfy
reconnaissance: the act scouting.
germane: relevant or appropriate
ramify: form branches or offshoots
intransigent: unwilling or refusing to change ones views
taciturn: reserved or uncommunicative
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