
Showing posts from April 23, 2017

my academy members?

I have none besides Alin, i asked her to follow me because she was a student in Mexico, therefore she can describe what things were like of course thing change and i need a fresh new contact in mexico.


This was not the last day of research, i originally went over my notes, resources, but there is something missing my contacts! Alin how am i supposed to contact your professor in Mexico i don't even know him.  I do know his name however, Elmer Garcia adonde esta? It would be helpful if he personally told me how the school system in Mexico actually works.

what day was it?

Ahh i recall this was on friday because i'm such a procrastinator, This day i searched in depth what i needed to know about ''Open Source Learning'' gathered information and thought of how i could help fund to get new technology and internet to Mexico.. if it is that I'd do this.

I Forgot To Post This

Day 3 of summer break; because the first two i had to have  a break from technology. At first i was not really sure what i could look for to use as resources for my idea. Then it all came to me, i can check the statistics of students in Mexico, and there are some interesting facts on the article i found online. Gosh wasn't that so easy.

5 resources

1. Programmed System for Education in Mexico.. It is important to know the facts 2. Professor in Mexico that began to find interesting ways for children to learn.. TECHNOLOGY! 3. The Importance of Motivation 4. Support; Financially and Mentally. 5. What is Open Source Learning?